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Tasting Helper Features:

Welcome to Tasting Helper

Tasting Helper is a free virtual wine tasting host that will make running your wine tasting fun and easy. You will impress all of your wine enthusiast friends/family with instant detailed reports of your tasting!!

Invite your friends/family over for a wine tasting and use Tasting Helper to guide you every step of the way. Just input the wines and Tasting Helper will take care of the rest.

Tasting Helper will create a master list from the wines you've entered that will allow you to label the wines in a blind tasting.

Printable custom tasting sheets will also be generated for all of your tasters. After all the wines have been tasted, the tasting sheets are entered into Tasting Helper (you could also have your tasters visit your work station(s) and enter in their own sheets).

Once all the sheets are entered Tasting Helper will calculate the winner of a tasting contest, the most popular wines based on the taster's ratings and detailed reports of the tasting for any or all of the tasters.

Recommended Tasting format

Tasting Helper will work best with a blind tasting format. The guests can bring their own wine(s) to taste or the host can provide all the wines for the tasting.

The tasters try to guess the wine type, location and year as they blindly taste the wines. You can award prizes to the best "guesser" and/or owner of the most popular wine (if the tasters bring their own wine(s)).

Visit the Instructions section for more info on how to make Tasting Helper work best for your event.

Site by BillybarTech