Thanks for looking at my portfolio! Here are some of Billybar Tech's latest projects and information about them. Some of these projects are simple static sites with a few dynamic elements and others are full dynamic sites that are database driven. Look them over and their features to get an idea of the types of customization that could be made available to you from BillybarTech. Some of the sites are public so feel free to click them and see how they run live.

Websites don't always need to be information based , they can also be used to perform specific tasks like full software applications can. If you can think of a task then most likely BillybarTech can provide a web based solution for it. Here is such a web based solution that BillybarTech designed for wine enthusiasts.

This site is a virtual wine tasting host. It allows the host of a wine tasting event to easily setup for it and run it smoothly and quickly. It's a user input/database driven website. It was entirely designed and implemented by BillybarTech.

The host inputs information about each wine in the blind tasting. Information includes wine name, type, location, year and the person who brought the wine (if not the host). The site then generates a master list and cutom tasting sheets based on the wines that are being tasted.

Using the custom tasting sheets, the tasters try to guess the wine type, location and year of each wine they taste. They also give the wine a rating of 0-30. Once all the wines have been tasted the taster can input their guesses by using this site or the host will collect the tasting sheets and enter the guesses his/her self.

Once all the information has been input into the site a custom detailed report is generated and can be printed. The report inlcudes what wine was the most popular and shows the winner with the most correct guesses. It then shows the master listing followed by each taster's guesses color coded red/green denoting right or wrong answers.

Feel free to give a test drive

This is a public Figure Skating Club site. It's an 8 section site that encompasses the entire club. The site was developed around the club's colors which are red, black and white.

This site also incorporates a custom dynamic calendar that's database driven. The site keeps track of the date and displays the club's activities for that day automatically. The calendar also highlights other days that have activities as links which can be clicked to display the activity information. The entire calendar gets it's information from an easy to maintain database.

This is a public illustrated blog style site. It is a larger site that has 22 distinct sections and is presented in a scrap book format. The site also has a dynamic comments section where users can leave real time comments about the site.

Every photo on this site is a link to a larger popup version of the photo.

This is a custom private site that fantasy football leagues use to run auction style drafts. It functions like ebay where team owners bid on players and try to win them on their teams. Team owners start with a fixed amount of virtual money and then use it to bid on players.

The site runs using rules defined by the fantasy football league. It keeps track of all teams, players and bids and prevents illegal bids by checking the rules of the league before allowing a bid to be processed. It keeps track of all the league's teams and allows users to organize and view the data in many different ways. The site also has a built in forum for communication.

This site is entirely automated and database driven. All programming was custom designed by BillybarTech and has many unique features.

Features on this site include:

  • private forum
  • user authentication
  • auto emailing system
  • user profile management
  • user administrators
  • dynamic column sorting
  • custom trading system
  • custom bidding system

Since this site is private I am unable to provide a live link. However, I can setup a live demo of this site by request for anyone that would like to explore it's features further.